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Tol Skorr - Page 2

When the clash on Kiffu resulted in the death of Kadrian Sey, the spot for Dooku's top minion was now contested by just Quinlan and Skorr. Dooku's games and tests of allegiance continued as the Sith Lord tasked the two with retrieving Darth Andeddu's holocron from Korriban. Here, Tol Skorr battled Vos among the ancient ruins and mausoleums of long-dead Sith Lords. When Vos proved victorious, he attempted to put an end to Skorr's life by sending him plummeting down a chasm. However, as Dooku observed the contest, he was not willing to lose one of his best minions, saving Skorr from certain death.

Sometime later, Quinlan Vos failed in a mission to Honoghr, and as a result sent Tol Skorr and Asajj Ventress to hunt him down. Pursuing Vos across the galaxy until they cornered him on a derelict exploration vessel called the Titavian IV. There Vos was surprised to be joined by Obi-Wan Kenobi on a completely unrelated mission to investigate the destruction of the ship. With Quinlan Skorr's primary nemesis and Obi-Wan that of Ventress, the pair split up to pursue them on their own. Delivering a severe beating to Vos, Skorr was run off by an immense rancor roaming the ship.

Retreating to the pair's ship, Skorr piloted it to assist Ventress in her fight with Kenobi, much to Ventress' ire. However, before he could make effect use of the ship's weapons systems, he was shot down by the arrival of Quinlan Vos in the Skorp Ion, giving Vos and Kenobi a means to escape and leaving Ventress and Skorr stranded. Embarrassingly, Skorr and Ventress were forced to wait for a rescue from Dooku's newest minion, General Grievous who heard the pair's distress signal as he passed through the surrounding space. Tol Skorr was forced to return to Dooku and explain his failure, the consequences of which he was well aware of.

However, luckily for Skorr, Dooku was willing to overlook this failure and assign him to his next insidious plot. On Saleucami, deep within the magma heated caverns, Dark Jedi Master Sora Bulq led an operation to clone Morgukai warriors and have them trained by Anzati assassins. Tol Skorr was sent to help Master Bulq in the creation of this clone army. In response, the Republic devoted an entire fleet and battalion of troops to stopping the Separatists from succeeding in their plans. Quinlan Vos was among them under the guise of a double-agent still working for Dooku. Tol Skorr passed messages to Khaleen Hentz, Vos' female companion, in order to get information to and from Vos.

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